miércoles, 16 de enero de 2008

Rosales Modernos- Variedad tapizantes o Cubresuelos

  • Se trata de rosales rastreros, que crecen desparramados por el suelo.

  • Presentan flores simples a plenamente dobles, en general dispuestas en ramilletes de 3-11 y que aparecen en verano y/u otoño.

  • Algunas variedades dan solo una floración en el año y otras son reflorecientes.

  • Usos: rocallas, taludes, arriates y cayendo por muros.

Variedad de Rosales Tapizantes:

- Alba Meidiland
- Alba Meidiland™
- Alba Meillandécor
- Alba Sunblaze
- Alberich
- Alpenglühen®
- Amber Cover®
- Anadia®
- Antares®
- Apfelblütte® (Shrub, Noack, 1991)
- Apple Blossom (NOAmel)
- Appleblossom Flower Carpet
- Arcadia (Groundcover, Noack, 2000)
- Arctic Sunrise
- Ardennes
- Aspen
- Aspirin® Rose
- Aspirin-Rose
- Augusta (Shrub, Poulsen, 1995)
- AUStream
- Austriana®
- Avocet
- Avon (Miniature, Poulsen, 1992)
- Awayuki
- Baby Ballerina
- Baby Blanket®
- Baby Love (Miniature, Scrivens, 1992)
- Baby Mermaid
- BAIfree
- Barakura
- BARarcsun
- BARenic
- BARfi
- BARflam
- BARfri
- Baroque
- BARprimo
- BARtares
- Bassino®
- Bayern
- Bayern Cover
- Bayernland Cover
- Beauce
- Beaulieu (Shrub, Rosen Tantau, 1998)
- Beautiful Carpet
- Bedazzled (Floribunda, McGredy, 1992)
- Bedazzler™
- Berenice- (Groundcover, Barni 1993)
- Berkshire
- Bernensis
- Bessy
- Bingo (Shrub, Meilland, 1994)
- Bingo Meidiland
- Bingo Meillandecor
- Black Magic Carpet
- Blanc Meidiland
- Blanc Meillandécor
- Blanche Neige
- Blanche Neige (Min)
- Blenheim
- Bloomfield Decoration
- Blooming Carpet
- Bountiful Abundance
- Boy O Boy™
- Bright Lights
- Brilliant Cover
- Broadlands
- Brooklands
- Bubbles (Groundcover, Fryer, 1998)
- Buffalo Gal
- Butterflies (Groundcover, Ilsink)
- Cambridge
- Cambridgeshire
- Camilla Sunsation
- Canicule
- Canterbury (Shrub, Kordes, 1990)
- Cape Cod
- Cardinal Hume®
- Carefree Delight
- Carefree Marvel™
- Carolina (Species)
- Carpet of Color
- Caterpillar®
- Central Park
- Centre Stage
- Claysnow
- CLElight
- Cliffs of Dover
- Comtesse Jeanne de Flandre
- Country Dream (Groundcover, Kordes)
- Country Gold (Groundcover, Kordes)
- Country Maid
- Country Prince (Shrub, Kordes, 1991)
- Country Touch
- Countryman
- Cream Sunsation
- Creepy
- Crimson Floorshow
- Charming Bells
- Cherry Cover
- Cherry Meidiland™
- Cherry Meillandecor®
- CHEWcreepy
- CHEwgracious
- CHEwgram
- CHEWharla
- CHEWpatterns
- CHEWpatyel
- CHEWpeeps
- CHEWpobey
- Chilterns
- Chimo®
- Chitina
- Chunga®
- Dame Blanche (Rambler, Turbat, 1923)
- Danica
- Dart's Red Dot
- Delicate Sunsation
- Dentelle de Malines®
- DICkooky
- Dick's Delight™
- DICrocky
- DICumpteen
- DICuncle
- DICvanilla
- DICwhistle
- Dreaming Free
- DUCuniform
- Duftfeuer
- Easy Cover
- Elfrid®
- Emera Blanc
- Emeura
- Emeura Pavement
- Erica (Shrub, Interplant, 1987)
- Essex
- Esterel
- Euphorbia
- Euphoria (Groundcover, 1998)
- Explorer
- Eye Appeal®
- Eye Opener
- Eyeopener
- F. Katom
- Fair Play®
- Fairy
- Fairy Changeling
- Fairy Damsel®
- Fairy Dance®
- Fairy Lights
- Fairy Moon
- Fairy Prince® (Polyantha, Harkness, 1981)
- Fairy Red (Polyantha, Harkness, 1982)
- Fairy Red '92 (Shrub, Liebig, 1992)
- Fairy Snow (Polyantha, Holmes, 1991)
- Fairyland®
- Feerie
- Féérie
- Ferdi
- Ferdy
- Fiery Sensation (Shrub, Kordes, 1990)
- Fiery Sunsation
- Fil d'Ariadne
- Fil d'Ariane
- Fil des Saisons
- Fiona® (Shrub, Meilland, 1979)
- Flaming Star®
- Flamingo Meidiland
- Flavia
- Fleurette®
- Flinders
- FLO No. 798
- Floral Carpet
- Flower Carpet
- Flower Carpet® Apple Blossom
- Flower Carpet® Coral
- Flower Carpet® Pink
- Flower Carpet® Sunshine
- Flower Carpet® White
- Flower Carpet® Yellow
- Fluffy
- Foxi
- Foxi Pavement
- Foxy Pavement
- Friendship (Miniature, Verschuren, 1981)
- Frine® (Shrub, Barni, 1992)
- FRYbubbly
- Garden Blanket™
- Gärtnerfreude (Shrub, Kordes, 1998)
- Glowing Carpet
- Gold Dust (Shrub, Christensen, 1992)
- Gold Magic Carpet
- Golddust (Shrub, Christensen, 1992)
- Golden Cover
- Golden Touch (Shrub, Tantau, 1993)
- Gourmet Pheasant
- Granny (Shrub, Poulsen, 1991)
- Green Snake
- Grouse
- Grouse Immensee
- Gwent
- Hampshire
- Hanami-gawa
- Hannovers Weisse
- Happenstance
- Happy
- Happy Chappy
- Happy Ever After™
- Happy Trails
- Harbaroque
- HAReco
- Harewood
- HARfloorshow
- HARfullly
- HARgala
- HARglamour
- HARlayalong
- HARneatly
- HARnougette
- HARnumerous
- HARpluto
- HARregale
- Harsuma
- HARward
- HAVpip
- Heidefee
- Heidekind '85
- Heidekind® (Shrub, Kordes, 1985)
- Heidekönigin®
- Heidepark
- Heideroslein
- Heideroslein Nozomi
- Heideröslein-Nozomi
- Heideschnee®
- Heidetraum
- Heidikind
- Hertfordshire
- Highveld Sun
- HOLfairy
- HORcogwheel
- Hot Chile
- Ice Meidiland
- Ice Meillandecor
- Iga 83 Munchen
- IGA '83 München®
- Immensee
- Innocencia® (Kordes 2003)
- INTerall
- INTercarp
- INTercher
- INTerchimp
- INTerdust
- INTerette
- INTereup
- INTerfair
- INTERflu
- INTERfly
- Interim
- INTermunder
- INTerop
- INTerpachy
- INTerpeel
- INTerpink
- INTerrob
- INTersmart
- INTersum
- Island Fire
- JACair
- JACcasp
- JACgron
- JAClover
- Jacobs Krnung
- JACwade
- JACyepat
- Jeeper's Creeper
- Jhb Garden Club
- Johannesburg Garden Club
- KEItoli
- KEItoly
- Kent
- Kiki Rose®
- Knirps®
- KORbarkeit
- KORbasren
- KORconta
- KORdapt
- KORdarura
- KORdatura
- KORdauerpa
- KORdehei (Groundcover, Kordes, 1996)
- Kordes' Rose Gärtnerfreude
- Kordes' Rose Immensee
- Kordes' Rose Palmengarten Frankfurt®
- Kordes' Rose Repandia
- Kordes' Rose Weisse Immensee®
- KORfibi
- KORfisro
- KORfullwind
- KORfungo
- KORgarine
- KORgazell
- KORgram
- KORhamp
- KORhaugen
- KORiant
- KORimo
- KORimro
- KORissel
- KORiver
- KORkandel
- KORlalon
- KORlanum
- KORmarec
- KORmax
- KORmazin
- KORmixal
- KORmuse
- KORommerla
- KORpapie
- KORpinka
- KORquema
- KORquemo (Ludwigs Roses)
- KORquemu
- KORsami
- KORsilan
- KORstegli
- KORstesgli
- KORtemma
- KORtenay
- KORtitut
- KORtumfil
- KORtwente
- KORverlandus
- KORweirim
- KORwerim
- Kotohogi
- KSEelite
- La Sévillana
- La Sevillana®
- Lac Blanc
- Lac Rose
- Lancashire (Groundcover, Kordes, 1998)
- Laura Ashley
- Lavender Cover
- Leeds Castle
- LEGgab
- LENfil
- LENfiro
- LENlita
- LENpaya
- LENpenba
- LENpli
- LENpoba
- LENray
- Lens Pink
- LENsiver
- LENsnaba
- LENspra
- LENverba
- LENwhi
- LENwiga
- LENyak
- Lexington
- Little Lighthouse
- Little White Lies
- Lovely Fairy
- LLX 8653 (LENwiga)
- LLX8269
- LLX8597
- LLX8598
- LLX8603
- LLX8652
- LLX8791
- LLX8802
- LLX8817
- LLX8818
- LLX8821
- LLX8842
- MACbunber
- MACcarpe
- MACcatsan
- MACredparap
- MACredsaus
- Madison (Groundcover, Poulsen, 1999)
- Magenta Floorshow
- Magic Blanket® (Shrub, J&P)
- Magic Carpet (Groundcover, J&P 1993)
- Magic Meidiland
- Magic Meillandecor
- Maidstone
- Mainaufeuer®
- Malverns
- Marondo®
- Matador
- MATtdor
- Maude Elizabeth
- Mauvasol
- Max Graf
- May Queen (Rambler, Van Fleet, 1898)
- MEIbalbika®
- MEIbeluxen
- MEIbonrib
- MEIburenac
- MEIcoublan
- MEIcoublanc
- MEIdarwet
- Meidiland Alba
- MEIflopan
- MEIgekanu
- MEIkrotal
- Meilland Rosiga '83
- Meillands' Rose IGA München
- Meine Oma
- MEIplatin
- MEIpotal
- MEIrameca
- MEIribbon
- MEIrumour
- MEIsolroz
- MEIvahyn
- Memorial Rose
- Memory Bells
- MINuco
- Mirato® (Shrub, Tantau, 1990)
- Monte Rosa
- Moon River™ (Shrub, Kordes, 1998)
- MOORcap
- MORcade
- MORcas
- Morpaplay
- MORpapplay
- Mrs. M.H. Walsh
- Munchen 83
- My Granny
- My Ouma
- Newport
- Niagara (Shrub, Poulsen, 1998)
- Nipper
- NOAhan
- NOAlesa
- NOAmel
- NOArda
- NOAre
- NOAschnee
- NOAson
- NOAtraum
- NOAtwi
- Norfolk
- Northamptonshire
- Nozomi
- Ophalia
- Orange Floorshow
- ORAwichkay
- Our Rosy Carpet
- Oxfordshire
- Palissade Rose
- Palmengarten Frankfurt
- Partridge
- Pas de Deux
- Pasture Rose
- Pathfinder
- Patio Cloud
- Patio Snow™
- Paulii
- Paulii rosea
- Peach Sunsation
- Pearl Chatsworth
- Pearl Drift
- Pearl Meidiland
- Pearl Mirato®
- PEAvenus
- Pebble Beach™
- Perle Meillandécor
- Petit Serpent
- Phantom (Shrub, McGredy, 1992)
- Phantom of the Opera
- Pheasant
- Pierette
- Pierette Pavement
- Pink Bassino®
- Pink Bells®
- Pink Cascade (Miniature, Moore, 1981)
- Pink Cover
- Pink Chimo®
- Pink Drift
- Pink Flower Carpet
- Pink Magic Carpet
- Pink Sensation
- Pink Spray®
- Pink Star®
- Pink Sunsation
- PIntersup
- Potalia
- POUkleioma
- POUlave
- POUlbambe
- POUlbells
- POUlcat
- POUlcov
- POUldava
- POUldave
- POUleas
- POUlemb
- POUlfair
- POUlfan
- POUlfolk
- POUlgode
- POUlhult
- POUlma
- POUlmulti
- POUlnoz
- POUloma
- POUlpyg
- POUlred
- POUlrijk
- POUlrnula
- POUlrust
- POUlshine
- POUlterp
- POUltumb
- POUlurt
- POUlwarb
- POUlwhite
- Pretty In Pink™
- Primo Passo®
- Pure and Simple
- Pyrenees
- Queen Mother (Floribunda, Kordes 1991)
- Queen Mum
- Rosa carolina
- Rosa humilis
- Rosa luciae
- Rosa luciliae
- Rosa parviflora
- Rosa paulii
- Rosa paulii rosea
- Rosa rugosa 'Atropurpurea'
- Rosa rugosa 'Foxi'
- Rosa rugosa 'Pierette'
- Rosa rugosa repens alba
- Rosa rugosa repens 'Rosea
- Rosa wichuraiana 'Curiosity'
- Rosa wichuraiana variegata
- Rosa x paulii
- Rosa X paulii rosea
- Rosa x paulii 'Rosea'
- Ralph's Creeper™
- Raspberry Rugostar®
- Red Bells®
- Red Cascade
- Red Dot®
- Red Haze®
- Red Magic Carpet
- Red Max Graf
- Red Ribbons®
- Red Trail
- Red Velvet (NOAre, in the UK)
- Relax Meidiland®
- Relax Meillandecor
- Repandia®
- Repens Alba
- Robe de Soie
- Robe Fleurie
- Robe Rose®
- Robin Red Breast
- Robin Redbreast
- Rody®
- Rosa paulii
- Rose IG
- Roseberry Blanket
- Rosy Carpet®
- Rosy Cushion®
- Rosy Floorshow
- Rote Max Graf
- Rotelfe® (Floribunda, Tantau, 1985)
- Royal Bassino®
- Royal Carpet™
- Royal Emblem
- RT 9357 (Varietal denomination at Monza)
- Rushing Stream™
- Rutland
- Salmon Sunsation
- San Remo
- Sandra (Shrub, Meilland, 1990)
- Sand-Rose
- Satina
- SAVawed
- Scarlet Meidiland
- Scarlet Meillandécor
- SCRivluv
- Schneeflocke (Groundcover, Noack, 1991)
- Schneesturm (Shrub, Tantau, 1990)
- Sea Foam (Shrub, Schwartz )
- SEAfibs
- Seafoam
- Selbar 0138
- Serpent Rose
- Serpent Vert
- Sevillana™ (Shrub, Meilland, 1982)
- Shiner
- Silk Road
- Silver River
- Simple Gifts™
- Smarty®
- Snow Ballet®
- Snow Carpet®
- Snow Cloud
- Snow Cover
- Snow on the Heather
- Snow Shower
- Snowballet
- Softee, Softee
- Sommerabend®
- Sommermärchen (Shrub, Kordes, 1993)
- Sommermelodie™
- Sommermond®
- Sommermorgen®
- Sommerwind®
- Sonnenschirm
- Space Invader
- Sparkler (Shrub, Poulsen, 1988)
- Sparkley
- Sparkling Pink
- Sparkling Yellow
- Special Child
- SPEvu
- St. Katherines
- St. Tiggywinkles
- Stardust (Shrub, Ilsink, 1998)
- Starry Night™
- Suffolk (Poulsen)
- Suffolk (Shrub, Kordes, 1988)
- Suma
- Summer Morning
- Summer Sunrise
- Summerrose
- Summerwind
- Sun Cover
- Sun Runner™
- SUN RUNNER™ (delete)
- Sun Umbrella
- Suncover
- Sunny Royal 21st Century
- Sunnyside (Miniature, Poulsen, 1992)
- Surrey
- Sussex
- Swany®
- Sweet Haze®
- Sweet Sunsation (Groundcover, Kordes, 1991)
- Swift
- t/8b/89
- Tall Story®
- Tan97274
- TANabamar
- TANanairan
- TANanaistrua
- TANigino
- TANinaso
- TANiripsa
- Tanlnaso
- TANmirsch
- TANmurse
- TANoronez
- TANreckertor
- TANrecktor
- TANrostax
- TANrupeza
- TANydor
- TANzahde
- Tapis Rouge (Shrub, Interplant, 1987)
- Teriha-No-ibara
- Tesorino®
- TG2045 (RNRS Trial Ground No.)
- TG2451 (RNRS Trial Ground No.)
- TG2460 (RNRS Trial Ground No.)
- TG2469 (RNRS Trial Ground No.)
- TG2480 (RNRS Trial Ground No.)
- TG2690 (RNRS Trial Ground No.)
- TG2700 (RNRS Trial Ground No.)
- TG2702 (RNRS Trial Ground No.)
- TG2750 (RNRS Trial Ground No.)
- TG2768 (RNRS Trial Ground No.)
- The Fairy
- The Faun
- The Fawn
- The Maidstone Rose
- The Phantom
- The Wyevale Rose
- TOMfair
- Tommelise
- Trinity (Shrub, McGredy, 1994)
- TUCkzell
- Tumbling Waters
- Twilight (Flower Carpet)
- UHLater
- UHLwe
- Variegated Memorial Rose
- Vent d'Eté
- Viking (Groundcover, Tantau, 1994)
- Warwickshire
- Watermelon Ice (Shrub, Zary, 1998)
- Waxwing (POUlma)
- Wedded Bliss™
- Weepy
- Weisse Immensee®
- Weisse Max Graf®
- Weisse Repandia
- White Bells®
- White Cover
- White Floorshow
- White Flower Carpet
- White Hedge
- White Immensee
- White Magic Carpet
- White Max Graf
- White Meidiland
- White Rain
- White Spray (Shrub, Lens, 1980)
- White Sunsation
- Wildfang
- WILpasn
- Wiltshire
- Wine and Dine™
- Worcestershire
- Yankee Lady
- Yellow Cover
- Yellow Fairy
- Yellow Fleurette®
- Yellow Floorshow
- Yellow Flower Carpet
- Yellow Jacket
- Yellow Ribbons®
- Yellowstone (Groundcover)
- Yorkshire
- Zell

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